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Whitehouse Residences D10


67 Stevens Road

Whitehouse Residences D10


The distinctive neighbourhood of White House Park


Updated Prices For WhiteHouse Residences 

(Agate Suites) 4 Bedroom Duplex B3100 sqft starting from $9,149,400@$2951psf

(Topaz Penthouse) 4 Bedroom plus study Duplex B4941 sqft starting from $13,888,251@$2811psf

(Casa Diamond) 5 Bedroom plus Family  B6588 sqft $18,438,140@$2799psf

Left 11 units

Whitehouse Residences, located on a site surrounded by colonial bungalows and stately mansions amidst splendid gardens and majestic equatorial trees, the distinctive neighbourhood of White House Park - Stevens Road is no ordinary landed suburbia, but the established home of ambassadors, senior politicians and captains of industry.


Whitehouse Residences Factsheet

Project Name Whitehouse Residences
Developer Asia Garden Development Pte Ltd
Property Type Residential Lowrise
Location Stevens Road
Tenure Freehold
Total Unit 12 Units
District 10
Gross Site Area 4,248.5sqm / 45,731 sqft
Facilities Swimming pools, Jacuzzi, Wading pool, Gymnasium, Pavilions 1 & 2
Car Park Lots 27
  • 19 common lots
  • CASA units 2 private lots each
Description Condominium housing development comprising a block of 4-storey flat (8 units) with a basement car park, communal facilities and swimming pool and 2 pair of 2-storey strata semi-detached dwelling house with attic and basement on LOTs 1098X, 1099L, 1713P TS 25 AT 67, 69, 71, 73 and 75 Stevens Road (Tanglin Planning Area)
TOP June 2013

Whitehouse Residences Units Mix

Type Size (sqft ) No of Units
4 Bedroom 3100 - 4941 6
4 Bedroom + Study 3595 - 3897 2
5 Bedroom 5985 - 6469 2
5 Bedroom + Family Room 5963 - 6588 2
Why invest in Whitehouse Residences?
  • Freehold
  • Prestigious Address with the elite of Singapore as neighbours
  • Minutes walk to Botanic Gardens, Singapore oldest Garden at 150 years and an applicant as a UNESCO world heritage site
  • Minutes drive to Orchard Road, Singapore’s premiere shopping belt with fine dining, shopping and entertainment
  • Only 12 exclusive units in the entire development
  • High end quality furnishings from Anotnio Lupi, Gaggenau
  • Casa Units (Strata-Semi Detached houses) comes with their individual private lap pool and roof terraces
  • Penthouse Units features a unique rooftop whirlpool with timber decks and landscaped planters
  • Within the Vicinity of 11 Business & Industrial Parks
  • Loft living/dining room concept allows you to furnish your home with fancy lights or chandeliers

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