From living in rental flat to running Singapore’s largest estate agency


Once a newspaper delivery boy, Ismail Gafoor became Propnex chief executive officer only with persistence and through many twists and turns on his journey to success.

When he was 14 years old, Mohamed Ismail Gafoor faced a serious problem. Between him and his elder brother, only one could continue schooling, as the other was needed to work behind the cashier’s counter at their father’s provision shop.

Ismail knew he had to persuade his brother to let him continue studying. He understood that education would lead to a better life.

“I (told) my brother, ‘Hey, you’re one year older than me, and in all fairness, you should give me the opportunity.’ And I started to (use) all my negotiation skills,” he recounts.


Adapted from CNA 27 June 2019